My Mother's Memory Garden
One of the first things we wanted to add to the ranch when we began was an overflowing flower garden. When we planted our first Tiger Lilies around the Cross that we built in 2017, we envisioned a space that would be an anchor for peace, quiet, and refuge. We wanted it to be a place to reflect, to draw close to Jesus- especially for the parents of children who come to the ranch and participate in our sessions. Our vision was to create a space that had a "Garden of Gethsename" feel.
During the next season of sessions at the ranch we added a flagpole to this area. this past Summer, we added numerous perennials that came from my mother's garden. The Tiger Lilies that we'd originally planted came from her garden as well. In fact, some of the plants we put in had originated from her mother's garden.
My mother has always had a blossoming love for gardening, in addition to a sharp memory, and a deep passion for Jesus Christ. Of which, she inherited from her mother. Because we wanted this space to encourage us to reflect, I found it fitting that we reflect on the memories of loved ones who've passed- here, in a space where we feel close to the Lord.
With my mother and grandmother's flowers surrounding me, the symbolism of the beautiful country that I live in near me, and the Cross casting a shadow near my bench; I think of those that I love, how lucky I am to live on a beautiful piece of land, and let rest my day's worries. I let my eyes wander over the small Lilac grove, the Sedum, Phlox, Hollihocks, and Lillies; breathing in the scent of the apple tree blossoms behind me; knowing that for the short amount of time I'm out here, I can relax and let God hear my prayers.